The origins of the Arunachal Pradesh Union of Working Journalists (APUWJ) can be traced back to 1981 when PB Das, the Arunachal Pradesh correspondant for United News of India (UNI), along with a miniscule group of other correspondants of news agencies got together to lay the foundation of what would go on to become the union.
It would take more than a decade for the union to officially be affiliated to the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) in 1996, marking the start of a long term relationship.
However, the affiliation had to be renewed in 2017 after years of non-communication between the organisations. Since then, the two unions have built a strong kinship that has led to significant progress and landmark events recently.
In 2018, the APUWJ hosted the North East Journalists Conclave under the banner of the Northeast India Federation of Journalists (NIFJ). The event cemented the APUWJ’s reputation as a major player in the journalists fraternity of the region and the country.
Another major landmark came in March 2020 when APUWJ President Mr Amar Sangno was elected the National Secretary of the IJU. This was a first time an indigenous person from the state was elected to the Executive Committee of the top journalists union of the country, which only enhances the significance of the achievement. Today, the APUWJ is an inseparable part of the IJU and the country’s media establishment with a strong voice.
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[tlg_headings title_tag=”h3″ alignment=”left” icon=”” spacing=”mb16″ title=”Brief History of APUWJ”]
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[tlg_headings title_tag=”h3″ icon=”” spacing=”mb0″ title=”Our Objectives”][tlg_spacer height=”60″]
[tlg_icon_title_list][tlg_icon_title_list_content icon=”ti-check” title=”To organize working journalists in the state of Arunachal Pradesh into a united force.” icon_color=”#8fae1b”][tlg_icon_title_list_content icon=”ti-check” title=”To promote and defined the status and interests of working journalists with regard to wages, conditions of employment, tenure of service and all other matters relating to the practice of journalism.” icon_color=”#8fae1b”][tlg_icon_title_list_content icon=”ti-check” title=”To strive for freedom of the Press.” icon_color=”#8fae1b”][tlg_icon_title_list_content icon=”ti-check” title=”To deal effectively with employers and the government to secure the collective economic and professional interests of working journalists.” icon_color=”#8fae1b”][tlg_icon_title_list_content icon=”ti-check” title=”To build up funds for the provision of legal aid, unemployment benefit and relief to working journalists as well as the pursuit of the aims objectives of the Union.” icon_color=”#8fae1b”][tlg_icon_title_list_content icon=”ti-check” title=”To maintain and promote the highest standards of professional conduct and integrity.” icon_color=”#8fae1b”][/tlg_icon_title_list]
[tlg_icon_title_list][tlg_icon_title_list_content icon=”ti-check” title=”To strive to secure the right to information as a fundamental right and ensure freedom of expression, safeguarding it from encroachments from any quarter.” icon_color=”#8fae1b”][tlg_icon_title_list_content icon=”ti-check” title=”To combat communalism, racism, gender and anti-working class biases in the press.” icon_color=”#8fae1b”][tlg_icon_title_list_content icon=”ti-check” title=”To conduct the affairs of the union on professional and Trade union lines and to forge organic links with like-minded organizations of newspaper employees, including non-journalist employees of newspaper publishing houses. I) To secure the representation of the Union on various committees and bodies set up in particular by the Government connected to the profession of journalism.” icon_color=”#8fae1b”][tlg_icon_title_list_content icon=”ti-check” title=”To conduct the affairs of the Union and its constituent units on professional and trade union lines and to forge organic links with like-minded journalistic organizations.” icon_color=”#8fae1b”][tlg_icon_title_list_content icon=”ti-check” title=”To publish an annual official journal of the union.” icon_color=”#8fae1b”][/tlg_icon_title_list]
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