The V Ravindran & Taro Chatung Excellence in Journalism Awards
The V Ravindran & Taro Chatung Excellence in Journalism Awards were constituted by the Arunachal Pradesh Union of Working Journalists in 2014.
Initially, the award was called the Him-Kai Excellence in Journalism Awards, which was a portmanteau of Himalayas & Patkai mountain ranges that run across Arunachal Pradesh.
It was later changed to honour the memory of two stalwarts of journalism in Arunachal Pradesh who paved the way for future generations, and whose passing left a gaping hole in our professional & personal lives.
The award is an attempt to recognize and honour the unrelenting work that journalists working in the state do. Like scholarly works across the globe, APUWJ believes that peer recognition is the highest form of appreciation of journalistic work.
Accordingly, entries are judged by a panel of judges consisting of acclaimed personalities of intellect and senior journalists from the state and across North-East India.
*Category of awards:
1. Reporting on Development
2. Environment & Science
3. Women, Child & Gender Issues
4. Politics & Governance
(*Subject to change)
The V Ravindran Excellence in Journalism Awards are given to high standard journalistic work in the print/written media, while the Taro Chatung Excellence in Journalism Awards honours the journalistic works of electronic & digital media.
The awards are held annually (barring unforseen acts of God), and carry with them citation & cash prizes.